Monday, September 26, 2011

Why I think you're trash.

In the previous post I talked about bullying, so this may seem like a contradiction. But its not.

They say you can't judge a book by its cover. So I don't. I wait until I get to know people before I make an assessment of who they are.

And after extensive review, I have decided that a few certain women I know, are trashy sluts.

I am just head over heels in love with my husband. If I ever lost him, I couldn't imagine even thinking about being in another relationship. He is my soul mate and he completes my world. We have been though hell, and have come out of it stronger than ever.

I believe that every marriage should be like this.

Sadly, they aren't.

In the past4 years I hav know 3 different women, from 3 different backgrounds, walks of life, and faiths, that have shown me how shady a bitch can be.

All three women were married to, and had children by men who were diagnosed with cancer. All 3 men were young. All 3 men were devoted husbands and fathers who would have done anything for their families.

The first couple, he was a preacher. She was a preacher's daughter. They married young, and had 4 children before he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. While on his death bed, he had a vision from God and was given a list of names. He miraculously got better and was able to leave the hospital. And when he had the strength, he sat in the chair and waited for his "doting" wife to come home. He read off the list of names to her and asked her why God had given them to him.

She was sleeping with them all.

Sadly, he is no longer here, but was able to leave this world with a woman by his side that truly loved him.

Couple #2. They had a somewhat rocky marriage, and 3 children. He loved her dearly. But he was worried about her faithfulness while he was out of the state working. He thought he had the flu, and it didn't seem to be getting better, so he got checked out. At the age of 30, he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He wasn't even given a timeline. He quickly went down hill. Days after his death, his wife moved in with another man.

Couple #3. I've only spoke with her online. She showed every sign of a loving wife. We (our "mommy group") walked through her husband's cancer treatment for 2 years. It was heart breaking for us all when he passed. She even told us all of their last moment together (which still chokes me up!). But the next week she was telling us of how she was sleeping with "an old friend". Then she was going out to bars, and sleeping with a second guy. She was having men come over while her kids were asleep. And the last straw was her bragging about touching some strange man's dick while he danced for her. Her husband has only been buried for 2 months.

Am I the only person that sees something wrong with this? You married these men, and professed your undying love for  them on several occasions, but jump into bed with another man the first chance you get? You, ma'am, are a trashy whore. I pity these men.

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