Saturday, September 17, 2011

Honesty Today

I have always been an honest person. Kinda to a fault.

I don't believe in telling "white lies" to make people feel better about themselves or to keep up appearances. A lie is a lie is a lie. You tell one lie, then you have to tell more to keep it up. And if you lie to me, I can't trust you.


The reason I have been thinking about honesty isn't because someone has lied to me lately. Its because people keep lying to "protect" the DEAD. I can't understand that. The person is dead. If they're hanging around listening to  what you're saying about them, what EXACTLY can they do about it?


So just let the truth flow. Trust me, it will make you feel better. You've been covering shit up for years and I know it has to be wearing on you. So now is the perfect time to get it off your chest.

I'll go first...

He WASN'T a great man! He was a child molester, a womanizer, an abuser, and a heartless jerk. Yea, maybe when he KNEW his end was around the corner, he probably did give his life to God. I will not dispute that. But don't sit there and lie to everyone talking about what a fantastic father and husband he was when we know the truth! I've heard the stories. I've lived through it. I have come to terms with it, maybe its time you do the same.

Its not a fucking brain injury. The son of a bitch stole a gun, walked out of church and blew half his brains out in front of his friends. It was planned. He did it to get back at you. He did it because he was on drugs. Stop calling him a miracle just because he lived. Look at his life and your life right now. Is it a fantastic blessing? Has it become easier? Is your walk with God closer than ever? No? Know why? CAUSE ITS A FUCKING PUNISHMENT! Stop letting him play sports and go on retreats that you can't fucking afford, then turn around and beg for money! Stop saying he isn't fit to work, but in the same breath talk about the fact that he wants to live on his own. You're making yourself look like an even bigger fool.

Why are you still trying to convince people that she's your daughter? You know she's your grand daughter. She knows she's your grand daughter. EVERYONE knows she's your grand daughter. Your son had an illiterate child and didn't want her. Her mother raised her for, what, 3 years? Then all of a sudden you have become her mother? You were in your early 50's and all of a sudden popped out a 3 year old? She's now in her 20s. She knows exactly who her parents and sister is. LET THE LIE GO! Its over! You're supposed to be a preacher and people of God. Why are you lying?

Same preacher, why did you viciously try to destroy another preacher? What could have possibly been going through your mind to think it was ok to try to ruin a young father's life? Did you, yourself, not preach on the dangers of messing with a man of God? And you did it anyway. Now look where you are. Broken. Feeble. Your son murdered. Your life in shambles. You have cancer. Has God gotten through to you yet? Are you listening to Him, yet?

I could go on and on, but this is getting a bit lengthy. The point is, stop lying, people. Stop lying about others. Stop lying about yourself. Stand up and take responsibility for your actions. Stand up and stop being afraid of backlash.

Know what honesty gets you? A clean conscience and a good nights rest. And maybe even respect.

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