Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Eeeeek! Hide your kids! There's a woman whipping out her boob to give her child a meal!

I am a PROUD breast feeding mom. I nursed my son until he weaned himself at 10 months, and I am currently nursing my daughter who just turned 21 months.

I think breastfeeding is the best possible thing you could do for your child, and I will gladly stand up for my, and your, right to nurse until our nipples fall off.

I will not stop nursing just because it makes someone uncomfortable. Don't like it? Don't look.

That being said, I'm sick of nursing. I enjoy the time with my daughter. I am glad I have had this long to give her such a great start to life. The first 7 months of her life, she received nothing but the boob. No pacy. No bottle.

After than she nursed and ate homemade baby food (I'm a chef, what do you expect?) I have never once bought formula for my kids. And I am so blessed to be able to say that.

But I want my boobs back. I want a full night of sleep. I want to be able to get work done without Sorcha screaming bloody murder while hanging from my leg wanting "mulk pessssssssssss". I have been trying to slowly wean her for the past 2 months, but its not working.

But when people tell me "Its time you stop" or "Don't you think that will ruin her teeth?" or any other way of telling me how to raise my child, it makes me want to continue for the next 5 years.

By the way, nursing actually washes away germs in the mouth and is perfectly healthy for teeth.


  1. Wait, are you a mind reader?? I can relate 100%. I want my boobs back, I want a full nights sleep without having Lilly pressed against me preventing me to turn or sleep the way I want to sleep! I want her to wean already! Ideally on her own :) and it pisses me off so freakin much when people comment their stupid opinions. You are a wonderful mommy and you should be PROUD of yourself for nursing her this long! No matter how draining it is at this point.

    I can give you advice though :) I have successfully wean Lilly from all daytime nursing sessions! I'll message you :)

    LOVE THIS BLOG btw :)

  2. I love you Ashley Burns!!!! Love you!!! You said it all! I am so blessed that I have won this fight to be able to breastfeed Charli this long, but at 21 months I'm kinda done :o) Charli is sooooooo attached to nursing and I know weaning is going to be a huge battle. I'm really afraid of how this will work. However, I know I have the support and knowledge of my fellow Mommas to fall back on - and for that I'm proud and happy! I love your blog....and your attitude! You rock!!!
