Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I adore my husband. He treats me like an absolute queen. I get everything I want. I am spoiled rotten.

My husband treats me the way a wife SHOULD be treated. The way a WOMAN should be treated.

I am so sick of hearing about your man treating you like the dog shit he stepped in.

Your husband cheats on you all the time and tells you that marrying you was a mistake. Yet you sit there and say "I'm going to fight for him because I know he can be the man I married"

You're used constantly for your money, your car, your connections, whatever. You know he's using you, but you stay in the relationship because he MAY fall in love with you.

Am I missing something here?

I know I did stupid things and let guys walk on me when I was a teenager, BUT WE'RE ADULTS!
If that man aint treating you like a queen, HE NEVER FUCKING WILL!

He's not going to roll over one morning and say "Baby, you've been amazing, and I am so deeply in love with you. Thank you for all you've done"

You need to wake the fuck up. Take it from someone who's been there and seen tons of situations just like yours. Hell, I have a ton of guy friends that tell me all the shit they've done to females because the females LET THEM! My own husband did cruel things. Cause he could get away with it.

Why are you letting them get away with it? Why are you being a booty call? Why are you giving that asshole money? Why are you paying for all of his shit? Why are you letting him cheat?


I swear to God Almighty if I hear one more female say "Well I just can't be alone. This is better than being single" I will shoot you with a fork gun right in the face.

He is dragging you through hell by your hair, and you're letting him because you're WEAK. You are a weak, pathetic bitch. You are a disgrace to our sex. You're a disgrace to humans!

When are you going to realize that you'll never amount to anything until you grow some ovaries, pull your big girl panties up, and demand respect? YOU ONLY GET RESPECT WHEN YOU SHOW THAT YOU DESERVE IT.


Do I need to say it again?

Get rid of that shit head.

BE ALONE. Seriously, you CAN do it. Stop telling yourself that you can't. You're worth so much more, but only if you realize it.There is a man out there that wants nothing more than to worship the ground you walk on. But you need to figure out who you  are and what you're worth. Because right now, you aren't worthy of him.

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