Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Heavy Lifting

If you don't personally know me, then let me enlighten you on my BIGGEST issue.

My weight.

I have never been super skinny. I have never wanted to be super skinny. But 10 years ago I did have a flat stomach. You could see my abdominal muscles without me sucking in. I had the most perfect hour glass figure.

I was SEXAY!

But I was 17.

And as I approach my 27th birthday, I realize that I am disgusted by what I see in the mirror. I know that fat chick isn't me. The way I look isn't who I am. (I know a feel people that need to realize that about themselves!!!)

In these ten, very very long years, I have packed on...get ready for it...one hundred pounds.

Its like I'm carrying around my youngest sister in law!

Last year, my husband, Jason, and I decided to make a pact and lose all of our excess weight. He's an ex-football player and in the same boat I'm in.

We changed our diets. Stopped eating out. We worked out EVERY DAY! He went to the gym and did P90X. I did Zumba daily.

We were looking fantastic! I was so proud of a progress and lifestyle change!

Then, we started making excuses.

"I'm too tired and busy, I'll work out tomorrow"
"Lets grab something quick since we're in town anyway"
"I don't feel like cooking, order pizza"

We gained all of the weight we had lost back, and then some. We are both now bigger than ever.

I'm sick of it. I know I can do it. I've done it before.

So, I'm going to do it again. And you're going to hold me responsible.

On October 11th, I will turn 27.
By October 11, 2012, I want to be at my goal weight.
No. I WILL be at my goal weight.

I worked out and lifted weights yesterday.
Today I did the P90X Ab Ripper, lifted weights, and when I get back from picking my son up from school, I'm going to do the 45 minute Zumba Cardio Party.

Over the next 2 weeks, I'm going to put my body through hell. This will be my "jump start" that most people replace with pills, cleanse diets, or fad diets.

I'm doing this the right way, and I'm going ALL THE WAY!

Starting weight (as of this morning) 277 pounds (shocking, I know)

I will post my weight once a week. And probably a picture of the scale as well to show I'm not cheating. And once I lose 30 pounds, I will post my "before" pics (already have them) and then my "progress pics" for every 10 pounds I lose.

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