Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Just a quick post.
Single moms, stop bringing random men around your children and having them call the men "Uncle".

There is an absolutely precious little boy in my son's class. He's quiet, intelligent and sticks very close to me whenever I'm in their class.
Last week, while I had him in my group (I help out in their class every Thursday for their language arts groups) the kids got to talking about their families. I know everyone's siblings names, their parents, where they live and all that (parents, please explain to your kids not to give directions to your house to a stranger).

After everyone told me their mom's name, we went around the circle and said dad's name. "Z" said his dad's name is "Uncle". He has lots of "Uncles" and "Papas".

It broke my heart.

Women, you can't force a man to stay in your life. You can't force a man to be a father. But you can be the best mother to your child(ren).

This goes back to knowing who you are, knowing what you're worth, and not having to depend on anyone for anything. Be there for your kids and stop confusing them. Stop letting them doubt your love. Stop letting them think that other people come before them.
Your child should be your world. And if they aren't, then you're doing it wrong.

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