Friday, September 30, 2011

Rules of the Road

I know living in a town so close to Atlanta means that we will constantly come into contact with dumb drivers. Its only natural to have bad drivers when there are so many people on the interstate.

My problem is, on the back roads, while taking my 5 year old to school, there are absolute IDIOTIC people on the roads.
I shouldn't have to tell people, who are very obviously older than i am, that they have the right of way at a 4 way stop. And I shouldn't almost wreck because some fuck up doesn't realize it isn't their turn to go!
When you come to a 4 way stop and there are other vehicles, the first person to the stop sign has the right of way, then its in a counter clockwise order.
When you see that the main road way has been blocked, do not stop. There is another way around the blockade. Go that way.
If you don't know what the fuck you are doing while you're driving, turn on your blinker or flashers, and pull off the road onto the shoulder.
Never pull out in front of someone and then ride your breaks.
Never ride your breaks.
Stop acting like a fucking moron on the road.

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