Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What a day

 So yesterday was my son's very first field trip. He begged me to go. His reason?

"Cause I love you"

Who can say no to that?

I wanted to say no. I kept going back anf forth with it. Eventually I decided to go, and I took my mom and daughter with me.

It was fun. We went to a farm, the kids pet the animals and learned about how pumpkins grow and all that.
Then I left there, and was trying to get on home so that I could get my daughter fed and down for a nap before I had to pick Ian up from school. I admit I sped. And I got pulled over.
No biggie.
But it was a county cop, then all of a sudden a state patrolman came up to my truck too. He very kindly reinstalled Sorcha's car seat. I thought that was nice of him.
Then I got called to their car...

I was fucking ARRESTED!

They told me my licenses were suspended! I had no clue!

So I was cuffed and carted off to jail. They told me that it was a ticket that I didn't pay from 2007. I told them I knew exactly what they were talking about, and I HAD paid it. TWICE!
At the jail I was explaining it to the clerk and the booking officer (they were all very nice) and they didn't understand how I was still being charged.
It was a super scary ordeal, and I was so thankful to walk out of that place.
So I got home and we looked it up. The Department of Driver Services showed one citation on my driving record. I have the recipt from where I paid it. So I called them first thing this morning and they said that it was the ticket I got back in 2007. So I looked in my receipts, and TA-FUCKING-DA I have the "Notice of Withdrawal of Suspension" dated 2 days before they "suspended" my license.
So I had to go down there and show them the paper. They apologized and corrected THEIR mistake.
But I'm still out $250, and have a record on file, and have to go to court, AND am still being charged $1930.
So now I have to go to the court and straighten them out so that all I have to pay is my speeding ticket.
Why am I having to run all over creation and bust my ass when it was their fuck up?
Needless to say, it was a shitty start to the week.

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