Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Festival

Yesterday I was part of my son's school's Fall Festival. It was my first big event!

I worked my ass off every single day last week making crafts and food for it. I had such high hopes of making a killing!

It was a flop.

The best thing about it was I was able to really get my name out there and people seemed really excited about how delicious my food is. And I even had repeat customers!

But I didn't sell even half of what I thought I would, I got very sunburned, even though I was sitting in the shade, and my son decided to run off and then my daughter did.

My husband and I took the kids down to tell the announcer that we were marking everything to half off (so we could get more business) and we let the kids get in a bouncey house. Well we stood beside it and Jason let me look at a video of Ian climbing the rock wall (my 5 year old is a dare devil and went all the way to the top!) and then we told the kids to come out so we could go back to the booth (my mom was watching it for me). But only Sorcha was in there.

We went around to all the bouncy houses, the rock wall, pony rides, train, all of it looking for him. Then Jason was yelling for him. Know where he was? UP AT MY BOOTH! It was a terrifying experience. Apparently he didn't see us standing in the front of the bouncy house, so he took it upon himself to go looking for us. Leaving his not even 22 month old sister to fend for herself.

He got a whipping. And yelled at. And a hug.

And I had to force myself not to cry.

Then Sorcha ran away from my mom and was trying to get to the play area. Thankfully Mom caught her before she went too far.

I swear, my kids are gonna make me old before I hit 30! (Which, btw, I just turned 27 last week. And I feel 40)

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