Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weaning My 2 Year Old

Lately my daughter seems to have reverted back to being an infant. She wants to nurse non stop night and day. I have gone 2 weeks without sleep.

So I decided, THIS IS IT!

Friday, January 13th, I decided to refuse her as much as possible. She, of course, threw a fit every single time. I was punched, slapped, screamed at, and even shaken.
But I did get her to take a nap without nursing.
That was a big step!
Then, Friday night, I was able to do something I haven't done since she was born. I got her to sleep, and tucked in, without nursing her! It was amazing!
Saturday morning, I woke up feeling rather cocky. I thought we had this thing licked with no issues!
Pride comes before a fall.
Her cheeks doubled in size and became fevered. Yep, the dreaded 2 year molars are rearing their big, fat, mean ass, heads.
I hate every single one of her teeth, because they have all given her pure hell as they come in.
I had to give in to her. I nursed her for her late evening nap, then gave her advil. She wanted her puffy coat on, and snuggled up in the blanket my mom crocheted for her (its large enough to cover us both while I rock and nurse her). She looked so pitiful tucked in the corner of the couch with a frown on her flushed face. It was truly heartbreaking.
So, I gave in again.
I let her nurse before bed, but didn't let her drift off while nursing (like she always has). I also let her nurse during the night when she woke up.
This morning she seems to be back to her cheerful, mean, active self, so I haven't let her nurse. She's screamed at me. but I don't mind. I know that if she really needs it, I can offer it to her, but I also knows she can get by just fine without it.
And the best part of this has been the cuddling. She has NEVER wanted to cuddle before. If I picked her up, it was all about the boobs. I never got to just hold her close and share those sweet moments of cheek to cheek time. Until now. And I love every second of it!

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