Saturday, January 7, 2012

Thank you, stranger!

Today we went to the farmer's market to pick up some veggies, cheeses and meats. I love going there. I always find incredible things and get so many ideas!
As I was going through the breads and picking out the perfect rustic Italian loaf, A woman passed by me with her baby in one of those moby wrap things. The little girl was sitting up and I noticed she was kinda burying her face in her mother's chest. My first thought was "Aw! She's sleeping!"
Then my "nursing mother" instincts kicked in.
The little girl was nursing!
Only a woman who has shopped and nursed would have noticed it! She wasn't showing any skin. She wasn't even paying attention. It was such a casual thing.
I stopped her and say, "Ma'am, I just want to thank you for breastfeeding."
She was a little shocked at first, but this huge smile spread on her face and she said "Thank you!"
I told her that I'm still nursing my 2 year old and that I am a huge advocate for nursing, and nursing in public and that I just really appreciated her doing it.
She told me that her daughter just turned one and she was glad someone else feels as strongly about it as she does.
Then her daughter gave the most amazing giggle and told me bye as she waved. It was too cute!!

So maybe the next time you see a nursing mother, you may want to brighten her day by thanking her for doing what's best for her child!

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