Friday, January 27, 2012

Shut that kid up!

Ever been in a store or restaurant and some kid is screaming their head off loud enough to make everyone turn and stare?

Was it your kid?

I have been the parent of the screamer, and the shopper/dinner that had to hear it. Both times I have the same reaction.
There is absolutely no reason to freak out when your kid throws a fit. Its something every single kid that has ever walked this earth does. Its not a reflection on your parenting, its just what kids do.
If they're throwing a fit cause you told them they couldn't do or have something, ignore them. Giving in will just show them they can get their way if they just yell.
If they're throwing a fit cause they're tired, then let them snuggle in your lap, on your shoulder, or put them in your buggy with a pillow.
As a parent, its your job to make your kid safe, healthy, and well rounded. Not give in to their every whim and pacify their every tantrum.

Now if you are a bystander, the most helpful thing you can do is smile at the parent and say "I've been there!" or "Don't worry, this phase will pass"
It pisses me off to see people get all flustered or start making fun of the parent or child in distress.
I remember this one time, we were grocery shopping and my daughter, who was only a few months at the time, was sound asleep on my husband's shoulder. There was a child screaming wildly somewhere in the store, and as we turned down the cereal aisle, there was a young couple mimicking the child's cries. I looked the man right in the eye and said "SHUT. UP." He was looked very shocked and his wife/girlfriend said "Excuse me?" So I firmly said "My daughter is asleep and you need to shut up, right now."
They just walked away.
There was absolutely no need in them making asses of themselves. They showed how petty and foolish they are. It was just so dumb.

So the next time you hear that all too familiar wail, just tune it out, cause people are not only looking at the child and parent, they're also looking at you. And no one likes a jackass.

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