Friday, January 20, 2012

Mamma Bear on a Rampage

If you've read my earlier blogs, you know how I feel about bullies.
Well, a child, whom my mother and I have both found to be a bit...well, he's a prick...has decided to start messing with my son this past week.
Because my son wears glasses.
Yep. That's it. Every insult thrown in my son's face is all about his glasses.
"You can't play with us, because you wear glasses"
"No one likes you, because you wear glasses"
"Your glasses are ugly."
And the "insults" go on.
We've taught Ian that when someone says mean things, to tell the teacher. When someone puts their hands on him, he has our full permission to beat their ass.
So all week he's told on this kid. And a few times Ian has reported that the kid had to move his paw (they each have a paw print in honor of their school mascot, the Tiger, and when they misbehave, they have to move it from the "good box" to either green, yellow or red, with red being a call home and trip to the principal). I'm glad he was reprimanded and when they move their paw, a note is sent home. So I was ok with that.
Until today.
I picked Ian up after school and asked him about his day. He said that kid told him to take his glasses off so he could stomp on them and break them.
I asked if he told on the kid. He said yea, but his assistant teacher said "I don't want to hear it"
Really? This is your response to a child wanting to damage another child's personal property? And not just any personal property, something he HAS to have to be able to do his work and see where he's going.
Now, I find a threat to my son and/or his stuff unacceptable, and I feel that the closest adult should rectify the situation as swiftly as possible.
But apparently, I can't depend on his teachers to make sure that there is no bullying going on.
Therefore I told my son today, that the next time that little bastard says something mean to him, to grab him by his shirt, and punch him square in the face. I told him that his teacher will get on to him, but that I would be very proud of him for standing up for himself.
And if that doesn't shut him up, I will have a sit down with his mother, and someone's gonna have to tote an ass whoopin.

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