Friday, January 27, 2012

Shut that kid up!

Ever been in a store or restaurant and some kid is screaming their head off loud enough to make everyone turn and stare?

Was it your kid?

I have been the parent of the screamer, and the shopper/dinner that had to hear it. Both times I have the same reaction.
There is absolutely no reason to freak out when your kid throws a fit. Its something every single kid that has ever walked this earth does. Its not a reflection on your parenting, its just what kids do.
If they're throwing a fit cause you told them they couldn't do or have something, ignore them. Giving in will just show them they can get their way if they just yell.
If they're throwing a fit cause they're tired, then let them snuggle in your lap, on your shoulder, or put them in your buggy with a pillow.
As a parent, its your job to make your kid safe, healthy, and well rounded. Not give in to their every whim and pacify their every tantrum.

Now if you are a bystander, the most helpful thing you can do is smile at the parent and say "I've been there!" or "Don't worry, this phase will pass"
It pisses me off to see people get all flustered or start making fun of the parent or child in distress.
I remember this one time, we were grocery shopping and my daughter, who was only a few months at the time, was sound asleep on my husband's shoulder. There was a child screaming wildly somewhere in the store, and as we turned down the cereal aisle, there was a young couple mimicking the child's cries. I looked the man right in the eye and said "SHUT. UP." He was looked very shocked and his wife/girlfriend said "Excuse me?" So I firmly said "My daughter is asleep and you need to shut up, right now."
They just walked away.
There was absolutely no need in them making asses of themselves. They showed how petty and foolish they are. It was just so dumb.

So the next time you hear that all too familiar wail, just tune it out, cause people are not only looking at the child and parent, they're also looking at you. And no one likes a jackass.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mamma Bear on a Rampage

If you've read my earlier blogs, you know how I feel about bullies.
Well, a child, whom my mother and I have both found to be a bit...well, he's a prick...has decided to start messing with my son this past week.
Because my son wears glasses.
Yep. That's it. Every insult thrown in my son's face is all about his glasses.
"You can't play with us, because you wear glasses"
"No one likes you, because you wear glasses"
"Your glasses are ugly."
And the "insults" go on.
We've taught Ian that when someone says mean things, to tell the teacher. When someone puts their hands on him, he has our full permission to beat their ass.
So all week he's told on this kid. And a few times Ian has reported that the kid had to move his paw (they each have a paw print in honor of their school mascot, the Tiger, and when they misbehave, they have to move it from the "good box" to either green, yellow or red, with red being a call home and trip to the principal). I'm glad he was reprimanded and when they move their paw, a note is sent home. So I was ok with that.
Until today.
I picked Ian up after school and asked him about his day. He said that kid told him to take his glasses off so he could stomp on them and break them.
I asked if he told on the kid. He said yea, but his assistant teacher said "I don't want to hear it"
Really? This is your response to a child wanting to damage another child's personal property? And not just any personal property, something he HAS to have to be able to do his work and see where he's going.
Now, I find a threat to my son and/or his stuff unacceptable, and I feel that the closest adult should rectify the situation as swiftly as possible.
But apparently, I can't depend on his teachers to make sure that there is no bullying going on.
Therefore I told my son today, that the next time that little bastard says something mean to him, to grab him by his shirt, and punch him square in the face. I told him that his teacher will get on to him, but that I would be very proud of him for standing up for himself.
And if that doesn't shut him up, I will have a sit down with his mother, and someone's gonna have to tote an ass whoopin.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weaning My 2 Year Old

Lately my daughter seems to have reverted back to being an infant. She wants to nurse non stop night and day. I have gone 2 weeks without sleep.

So I decided, THIS IS IT!

Friday, January 13th, I decided to refuse her as much as possible. She, of course, threw a fit every single time. I was punched, slapped, screamed at, and even shaken.
But I did get her to take a nap without nursing.
That was a big step!
Then, Friday night, I was able to do something I haven't done since she was born. I got her to sleep, and tucked in, without nursing her! It was amazing!
Saturday morning, I woke up feeling rather cocky. I thought we had this thing licked with no issues!
Pride comes before a fall.
Her cheeks doubled in size and became fevered. Yep, the dreaded 2 year molars are rearing their big, fat, mean ass, heads.
I hate every single one of her teeth, because they have all given her pure hell as they come in.
I had to give in to her. I nursed her for her late evening nap, then gave her advil. She wanted her puffy coat on, and snuggled up in the blanket my mom crocheted for her (its large enough to cover us both while I rock and nurse her). She looked so pitiful tucked in the corner of the couch with a frown on her flushed face. It was truly heartbreaking.
So, I gave in again.
I let her nurse before bed, but didn't let her drift off while nursing (like she always has). I also let her nurse during the night when she woke up.
This morning she seems to be back to her cheerful, mean, active self, so I haven't let her nurse. She's screamed at me. but I don't mind. I know that if she really needs it, I can offer it to her, but I also knows she can get by just fine without it.
And the best part of this has been the cuddling. She has NEVER wanted to cuddle before. If I picked her up, it was all about the boobs. I never got to just hold her close and share those sweet moments of cheek to cheek time. Until now. And I love every second of it!

*Exasperated Sigh*

So I'm trying to build my website for my business. Why is it so difficult? This is making me want to scream.
I'm sure they aren't all this annoying, but I'm using a free site to just "learn the ropes" but if the others are anything like this, I might as well not have a site at all!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012...Oh My

So another year is upon us.
Time sure is flying by.
I remember as a child it seemed like time stood still. I didn't think I'd ever grow up!
Now I'm 27, have 2 kids, married, own a business, a house, 2 vehicles, I volunteer at my son's school, I'm part of mommy groups...
I'm an adult!
I don't know when that happened, but I am slap dab in the middle of adulthood!!
So since I'm this responsible adult, I guess its time to make "resolutions" and stick to them.


By February almost every resolution is forgotten.

I won't make resolutions. I don't like going back on my word. I won't even make a promise if there is any doubt about keeping it.

No. No resolutions.

Vows. I can keep vows.

I VOW to be healthy.
I VOW to be a better house keeper. (I am so lazy!)
I VOW to spend more quality time with my kids.
I VOW to take more time for myself and stop putting myself down.
I VOW to get a website up and running!!!!
I VOW to be a better wife.
I VOW to be more active.
I VOW to stop making excuses.

Yea. That seems like a good start...

Thank you, stranger!

Today we went to the farmer's market to pick up some veggies, cheeses and meats. I love going there. I always find incredible things and get so many ideas!
As I was going through the breads and picking out the perfect rustic Italian loaf, A woman passed by me with her baby in one of those moby wrap things. The little girl was sitting up and I noticed she was kinda burying her face in her mother's chest. My first thought was "Aw! She's sleeping!"
Then my "nursing mother" instincts kicked in.
The little girl was nursing!
Only a woman who has shopped and nursed would have noticed it! She wasn't showing any skin. She wasn't even paying attention. It was such a casual thing.
I stopped her and say, "Ma'am, I just want to thank you for breastfeeding."
She was a little shocked at first, but this huge smile spread on her face and she said "Thank you!"
I told her that I'm still nursing my 2 year old and that I am a huge advocate for nursing, and nursing in public and that I just really appreciated her doing it.
She told me that her daughter just turned one and she was glad someone else feels as strongly about it as she does.
Then her daughter gave the most amazing giggle and told me bye as she waved. It was too cute!!

So maybe the next time you see a nursing mother, you may want to brighten her day by thanking her for doing what's best for her child!