Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What happened to honor?

This year I've been watching a lot off different documentaries of gangs, the mob, drug trafficking, stuff on the news about killings and fights and parents that leave their toddlers alone for days or starve them or beat them or whatever. And all I can think is, "What the fuck happened to people?"
What happened to men working hard to earn an honest living to support his family?
Where are the men standing up to protect their women and children from all harm?
Where are the mothers that would gladly lay down their lives to protect their kids and do everything in their power to make sure their kids were safe from all dangers and well fed?
Why is society allowing these horrible drugs to overrun our cities?


I really wish I could answer even one of those questions. But I can't. I don't understand it. I don't understand how a person can look at a child and become sexually excited. I don't get how an entire religious organization can harbor so many sexual predators. Or how people kill, maim, rape, pillage, rob, behead, enslave or go to war all in the name of God. Or how a woman can give birth to a child and callously throw it away as if it were a piece of garbage. Or even abortion.
When did life stop having meaning to people? When did we become so greedy and self absorbed that we can't see the value of innocence?
I am a firm believer in punishing people for their bad deeds. A person that rapes, molests, beats, starves or destroys a child in any shape, form or fashion should be beaten with a cat of nine tails and thrown into prison with little to no food or water, forced to do hard labor, and depending on the severity of their atrocity, put to death in a timely manner.
A man that derives pleasure from brutalizing women (or men) should be castrated by the person(people) he tortured.
Thieves should be put in jail for how ever many months it will take to pay back their debt, and while they're locked up, they actually have to work.
Have prisoners working on farms to help supply this country with food instead of importing it.
People who commit murder without just cause (self defense, a battered woman who has reached her limit, accidental death) should be put to death.
Drug dealers should be used for medical experiments (drug testing and such). I don't mean that crack head on the corner trying to sell a dime bag or something, I mean the higher ups, and only for chemically altered substances such as crack, meth, lsd, ect. Yes I see pot as a drug, and I think its horrible, but deal with the big stuff first. Maybe have the marijuana growers and suppliers put in an old electric chair and remove a toe with wire cutters for every time they've been caught. When you run out of toes, move on to fingers. I don't know, something to get the point across.
And as for the judicial system and the politicians who allow this shit to continue, work farms. All of them. Get those corrupt sons of bitches out of power. From the cops on the street (like the 2 cops that beat the homeless man to death for no fucking reason) all the way up to the Pentagon and White House. There is no possible way to clean up society with corruption running rampant in in the leadership of this country.
And we need to band together. With all of these big cities we have gotten away from "communities". When people start looking out only for themselves, then everything goes wrong. Community gardens, youth centers, churches, sewing groups, sports nights, anything you can thing of to help unite people would be a great step forward. If you bake, start a baking circle and put up fliers and say "free and open to everyone"! When you have a real community, people look out for each other. People are more careful about their actions. There is less domestic violence because someone might find out. Or you can spot the signs and help! You can help children in your neighborhood so they don't go hungry or don't get left all alone.
I don't know what causes people to get completely fucked up and destroy others lives, but I do know that small acts of kindness are the steps in the right direction to help heal this country. And I think its time we all get off our asses and do something about all this fucked up shit!  Its time to bring back honor and self worth to America!

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