Monday, June 4, 2012

My 1 Week Self Torture

Friday of last week (June 1st) I decided to go 1 week with no breads, pastas, meats or dairy.

The first day wasn't too bad. I really wanted some of the chicken I made my family for supper, but I held on strong and ate my cabbage and sweet potato.
Day two, I woke up in a bad mood. I'm used to having meat at almost every single meal, or at least some serious carbs (French bread and brie or beef jerky are 2 of my favorite snacks!) My family had pancakes for breakfast. I had a peach, green apple and a handful of blueberries drizzled with all natural honey. I also drank a "low calorie" Boost because it has 16g of protien. The whole time I ate that delicious breakfast, I watched a bird in my front yard and wondered if I could kill it with the fork in my hand.
I got through the day. I was grouchy, and could have slapped my husband for trying to get me to eat stuff I swore off, but I made it.
Yesterday, day 3, was very hard. I weighed myself when I woke up and I had lost 4 pounds!

(Here I want to make a side note. It doesn't matter what diet you choose to go on, you HAVE to have calories. Calories are your source of energy, and without a sufficient amount, you become lethargic, lightheaded, scatter brained, and cranky. You should ingest NO LESS than 1000 calories a day, and only that few on a very short term "cleanse" diet that should last no more than a week!)

However, we had company over and I didn't eat nearly enough and had a massive headache by the time they left. Since It was getting late, I had no chance to make up for those lost calories and got very little sleep last night due to the headache.
So here we are at day 4. I had a difficult time waking up this morning. I ran out of Boost yesterday morning, so the only protien I've had has been from my veggies (yea, cabbage has it!) I have no desire to eat another fucking plant. None of it seems appealing. I do have to go get more Boost so I can have my protien. It helps to keep me full and keeps the cranky down. So its a must.
My mom (who is staying with us) made cookies yesterday. Thankfully our friends ate most of them. Its so  hard to stay away from them. In fact, its incredibly hard to not eat everything in my kitchen, then order pizza. But I have made it to day four. I know I can finish this.
On Friday I will be adding oatmeal and fish to my diet. This is not a fad diet that I'm trying. I'm not following any guidelines or specific recipes. I just want to restart my digestive system cause I'm sick of feeling bloated and full. My next post I'll list the stuff I've eaten.

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