Thursday, April 12, 2012

Life has value...but is it equal?

I have been seeing a lot of ads on tv lately about animals. You know the ones. There's always some pitiful dog with sad eyes or a dirty cat and sad music playing in the background while some celebrity asks us for money.

Frankly, I've had enough.

Yes, I value animals. They can be a beloved pet and can bring us joy. Yes they are beautiful, amazing creatures. Yes they have value.

But 'm not sending money to help them. Why? Cause there are starving kids all across the country that need help.
There are abused and neglected children that just need to know someone cares.
Animals have value, but never is their worth going to equal that of a human. They were created as part of the food chain. The food chain of which we, as humans, top. Every single animal on Earth can be eaten.
I grew up knowing real hunger as a child in poverty, and I know how much it means to have meat brought to the table. It was a real blessing that my father is a hunter. When we didn't know where our next meal was coming from, he went out and killed something for us. Or a friend did. Deer, rabbit, snake, gator, fish, whatever. If it can be hunted, we hunted it.
And since we lived in the country, we had many farming friends that would let us pick whatever they were growing in exchange for mechanic work or housekeeping.
We were lucky.
Not everyone is that lucky.
And I am disgusted by the obesity rate (of which I am a part of) in this country when there are so many that go hungry for days on end. I know why I over eat. I never want to feel those horrible hunger pangs that came so often as a child. That's why I have a garden of my own. Its why I don't let my cabinets get too bare. I refuse to allow my children to go without.
Its also why I donate to local food banks and hold auctions to benefit Share Our Strength's Great American Bake Sale.
There is so much we can do to help those living in poverty. Why not close some of those animal shelters and open up more food banks and soup kitchens? Any animal bought in a pet store should be spayed or neutered.
Use all available lots in the inner cities to make community gardens.
Allow hunters to donate what they kill to soup kitchens. Especially in places with over populations of certain animals.
I am a firm believer in getting back to our roots and bringing back the old way of life. If there were more farms, we can use the prison population to work them. Get rid of all those milking machines, and do it by hand. Frankly, we force cows to over produce milk anyway. (Adults don't need milk! When was the last time you saw a full grown bull walk up to a cow and start nursing?)
I've kinda gotten off topic, but the point is PETA, ASPCA and all those other animal rights activist need to focus on what's really important.
Save our own species before rushing out to save an animal that could feed a family. I guarantee that no other species on Earth is fighting to save us.

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