Thursday, April 5, 2012


Southern women are perceived as being of one of two classes.
There are the "Southern Belles", of course. The old money type that never gets her hands dirty. She dresses to the nines just to go brush her teeth. Her hair is perfect, and her skin is utterly flawless. She speaks with such a cultured draw that every word sounds as if it were honey flowing from her mouth. She never rushes. She never gets angry. She is the perfect woman.
She can flirt with anyone and make every man feel as if he's the sexiest man alive. But she's no slut. No, her eyes, heart, and attention are for that one special man. And it truly takes a special man to keep her attention.
She spends her days doing the most dainty tasks, because she wouldn't dare break a sweat or get a callus. Yea, she's perfect. A real lady.

Then, of course, there's the other side. The redneck woman. The one that always looks like she just rolled out of bed, and doesn't care. She's always carrying a kid on her hip while she gets groceries, cleans the house, does yard work, plows a field and works on the truck. She can beat any man at anything. She knows she doesn't need a man in her life. He's just another mouth to feed and person to clean up after.
That woman never sits down. She scrubs the floor, fixes the clogged toilet, attends PTA meetings, and has a hot supper on the table. Then she cleans up the supper mess (which she ate cold) before fixing everyone's lunch for the next day, makes sure everyone has clean clothes, and rechecks all the doors and windows, loads her gun, and then goes to bed.
That woman is a machine. She may be trashy, but she has her shit together!

I've met both of these women. Hell, I am both of these women.
A true Southern woman is the perfect mixture of everything. She can charm the most wild beast, then kill it, and cook it for dinner. She can look just as dainty as a pansy blowing in the spring breeze while she hangs clothes on the line and yells at her kids to shut the hell up and stop fighting. She can give her man the greatest night of passion, and seconds later jump up to rock her baby back to sleep.
A Southern woman is the most amazing being on Earth. A true gift from God.