Friday, March 23, 2012

He's the kind of man who...

He's the kind of man that makes your stomach jump and heart skip a beat when he looks at you. Whether its from the barbaric brutality in his eyes, or his savage good looks, you don't really know.
Or care to know for that matter.
You only hope he'll glance at you once more so that you can feel that flutter again.
 He's the kind of man that you can't shake. You find yourself daydreaming about him when you least expect it. You're drawn to detailed visions of him ravishing you against a tree in the middle of the woods after he's snatched you from your horse like some savage in a storybook.
Or you can't help feeling his calloused hands lightly caress your trembling body after he has thoroughly made love to you in a way you never knew existed.
 You imagine those incredibly sexy, full lips placing soft kisses over every inch of your body.

The thing is, your imagination could never come close to the reality.
The reality is, he's more man than almost any woman can handle. He has a fierceness deep inside of him that boils over at times in the most glorious ways that lets you know that there are real men still out there that have boundless passion for real women. He takes great pains to treat his woman like the world's most delicate flower so that she won't be crushed in the power of his love.

He's the kind of man that I am so glad I married.

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