Monday, June 4, 2012

When will you stop?

I posted long time ago about breastfeeding, and here's kind of an update.
My daughter is 2  1/2 years old, and still nurses at night. She's down to bedtime, once during the night, and sometimes she comes in my room for a very early morning feeding (like at dawn) then goes back to sleep.
I was hoping to have her 100% weaned, but no luck.
I am really sick of people's opinions on it. I'm especially tired of people who say "You're the adult! Don't let her call the shots!"
That has to be the dumbest of all the comments. I'll never deny my children comfort or nutrients. And that's what  nursing is. My daughter gets to cuddle with me and have me all to herself. That's very important to us both. Just like when I read to my son when I tuck him in. Its our "us" time.
Do I want a full night's rest and not not lactate anymore? Of course!
But I'm a mom. When my kids do sleep all night long, I worry about them and get up to check on them, so I'm not getting rest anyway.

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