Friday, November 9, 2012

Why is a mom so much work?

You always hear moms talking about how much work it is having kids. As a mom, I agree.

You have to be everything to everyone.

But why?

It wasn't always like that. Women didn't used to feel like they had to have a spotless house, great meal on the table 3 times a day, a perfect body, do crafts, have educational games on hand for their kids, have an outside job, and be a full on sex goddess for their man. They didn't feel like there weren't enough hours in the day to get it all done. They didn't slather on wrinkle cream at 25 to make sure they looked like a teenager well into their 50's. They didn't get waxed and shaved and plucked. They didn't work themselves into a depression because they think they have failed in some form.

No, women didn't used to be so high strung.

You were just you. And you were happy to be yourself. Your husband appreciated you for just doing what you got done. There wasn't a need to worry about how everyone viewed you, because there were more important things to think about.

Women spent quality time with each other while sewing or cooking. They enjoyed their family while sitting by the fire at night after supper.

And they didn't give a shit what everyone else was doing.

So where was the switch? When did we go from focusing on our family to feeling like we needed to carry the world?

And how the hell can we go back?!

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