Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Since Monday was Halloween, and my absolute favorite holiday, I wanted to talk a bit about it.

When I was growing up, I wasn't allowed to celebrate Halloween. We didn't go trick or treating or dress up. We didn't even give out candy. I do remember one year we got to carry our pillowcases and go to the few houses on our street (a grand total of 5!) in our play clothes while it was still day time.
I loved it!
Now, I'm not the kind of person that watches scary, gory movies. In fact, I refuse to watch anything like that. I've had horrible night terrors since I was probably born and its just something I don't want to feed.
However, I love the scary part of Halloween!
I love graveyards and skeletons and ghosts, and all that stuff. Though that stuff fascinates me year round, its much more fun to see it all when the weather is cool and the nights are darker.
Its such a fun time of year!
But in recent years I've noticed that females of all ages use the holiday as an excuse to dress like a whore. I've heard people defending it ("They just want to feel sexy!") but I just can't get in on it. Especially the young girls who do it. Its disturbing enough to see a 15 year old girl with a dress up to her cookie, but this year I've seen 5 and 6 year old girls dressed like that with high heels on!
Excuse me? Where the fuck are their parents?
Ooh yea. They're the ones allowing it!
Have these people not thought about their actions? Have they not seen the news where children are being abducted, raped, and murdered? Do they not realize how many sexual predators are actually in their communities? There is a website that shows where each one lives. I've been on it 2 or 3 times, and its scary to know that there are some that live so close to us.
Why don't parents realize that they aren't being their child's friend, they're actually setting their daughters out there to be leered at by perverted men? They are over sexualizing their daughters and implanting it in their heads that sexy is what matters.
I like to dress sexy when Jason and I go out for our dates. I put on my 4 or 5 inch heels and a cute black dress. I pay more attention to how my makeup looks. Its nice to be a little sexy.
But its completely different to look like a street corner whore. Its not cute. Its disturbing. And it shows a lack of self respect.

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