Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ignorant Sex

I read an article today about how the French have a great postpartum program for women that help them strengthen their pelvic floor muscles to get their uterus and vagina back in shape so they can have a healthy pregnancy for a following child, prevent uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, and continue to have a healthy sex life.
I think its a fantastic idea! Especially since 1 in 3 women suffer from incontinence, and many have to resort to surgery to tack their bladder, or even repair the damage done by giving birth.
But, sadly, there are those ignorant women that think its dirty, or disgusting, or a sexist act to please their man.
And its reactions like that that infuriate me!
Sexual education in this country is such a disgusting display of ignorance. Starting in the 5th grade we are told the same thing every year in school.
"Girls have periods. They can get pregnant by having sex. Condoms and birth control prevent getting pregnant."
That's pretty much it.
We're never taught that before a girl has her first period, she can still get pregnant, because you still ovulate before you shed your endometrial lining for the very first time.
Having a period does NOT mean you aren't pregnant.
Birth control is only a small step in preventing pregnancy, and it only works if it's used PROPERLY.
Overweight and underweight females may have more health issues while using birth control than a female of average weight.
Teen pregnancy is NOT the worst thing to happen when having sex at a young age.
STD's are more likely to adversely effect a woman's fertility than a man's.
A teenager using the patch/pill/shot is much more likely to contract and spread STDs because they think they don't need a condom.
STDs are still spread through oral sex.
YOU CANNOT GET PREGNANT BY SWALLOWING SEMEN! (Its very sad that I even have to say this, but while I was in high school, I heard 2 different females, both older than me and sexually active way before I was, asked 2 separate teachers "Can you get pregnant by swallowing cum?" Even though I was a virgin at the time, I still knew the answer was no, and I wanted to hit both of them upside the head with an anatomy book)
While pregnant, every one of your organs are moved and this can cause a multitude of pains, annoyances, and health issues.
Kegels are a girl's best friend and should be done every single day!
Pap smears are VERY important! From the age of 18, or your first sexual encounter, you should have a pap smear every year. If you have more than 1 sexual partner in that year, or are with someone that is sleeping with other people (even if you only THINK they MAY be cheating!) get your ass to your gyno asap!
Boobs ARE a reproductive organ and should be treated with the same reverence as your vagina.
Cheap bras are great for being around your house, but you need a good bra that holds your boobs up high, where they belong (no matter their size) to prevent sagging, backaches, and chest pains (for larger boobs).
I don't care that they say you should get mammograms every year starting at 40. Check yourself every single month, and find a doctor that will give you a mammogram at least every 2 years starting when you have your first kid. Breast cancer isn't something that old women get. And its not something that only women get. Everyone is at risk.
Breastfeeding is just as good for your health and our economy as it is for your child. The longer you breastfeed, the healthier you and your child are, and the lower your risk of breast/uterine/cervical/ovarian cancer gets. It also makes menopause easier.
I have a million more about pregnancy and how it changes your body. And I do believe all of this should be taught in school. Every school starting in the 4th or 5th grade. Everyone will have sex at some point in their life, and they should be fully educated before entering into such an emotional and physical, life altering activity. From the moment a girl has sex, her body changes to start preparing for the possibility of pregnancy. A woman's body is such a complex work of art that doctors and scientist are still finding things out about it. In comparison, a man's body is relatively simple.
Oh, and NEVER let a doctor tell you something is "just in your head" or dismiss your concerns about your health. Consider your doctor as you would your employee. They work for you and must take your demands seriously. Otherwise, fire them.
And here is the link to the article I read: